Fact 1
Even if you’re a super-slow
jogger, you’ll burn at least 10 calories per minute of running. That means
you’ll run off half a block of Lindt Dark Chocolate in less than 23 min!
Fact 2
The record for most
marathons run on consecutive days is 365! Belgian runner Stefaan Engels, knows
as the “Marathon Man” set the record in 2011, aged 49!
Fact 3
Athletes dressed in red are
more likely to win events than athletes wearing any other colour.
Fact 4
The fastest mile (approx.
1.6km) ever run was by Morrocan, Hitcham El Guerrouj, in 3:43:13 in 1999.
Fact 5
The fastest mile for a
woman was set by Russia’s Svetlana Masterkova, her time was 4:12.56 – the run
was in 1996 and hasn’t been seriously challenged since!
Fact 6
An average man has enough
energy in his fat stores to run non-stop for 3 days at 24km per hour. That’s
FAST considering about 10-12km per hour is the average pace general punters run
at. Please don’t try this at home
Fact 7
The oldest person to
complete a marathon was born in 1911, making him 100 years old at the time. He
was an Indian man named Fauja Singh. AND guess what? Fauja didn’t even start
running until he was 89 years of age. It’s never too late!
Fact 8
Women were excluded from
the Boston Marathon until 1972. But that didn’t stop them. In 1966, Roberta
Gibbs, hid behind a bush and jumped out to complete the run and finished
“unofficially” in 3:21:25! She was the first woman to complete the course.
Fact 9
Over 1 billion pairs of
running shoes are sold world-wide each year.
Fact 10
12 of the world’s top-20
distance runners are members of the Kalenjin tribe of northwest Kenya.
Fact 11
Runners who played ball
sports (i.e. soccer or footy) as kids had nearly 50 percent fewer stress
fractures than runners who didn’t. Stanford University researchers found that
runners who played ball sports had, “greater and more symmetrically distributed
bone mass.” (Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine)
Fact 12
Physically active people
have a 60 percent lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease than coach potatoes (The
Lancet Neurology – Sweden)
Fact 13
In the feet, 26 bones, 33
joints, 112 ligaments, and a network of nerves, tendons, and blood vessels have
to work together when we run!
Fact 14
Strides are extremely
consistent among professional runners, usually between 185-200 steps per
Fact 15
Music can boost your
running performance by up to 15%! But only if you’re a particular kind of
runner. If you tend to focus inward while running, music probably won’t help
you much… but if you look for stimulus from your environment, pump the tunes to
get over the finish line more quickly!
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